Saturday, December 3, 2016


Edited and Reposted - Originally posted on Tuesday March 1, 2016

In 2005 I was the secretary at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. I was also the Sunday School Superintendent and I served on the Board of Mangers whereby I served on several subsequent committees. Reverend Robert C. Jones was retiring at this point and as such we were to receive an new interim minister.

Sue Law nor my Aunt (Brenda Sokolowsky) seemed to take issue with me at all until I began to expose systemic child abuse. I believe that Sue Law's husband had affiliations with the Prince Edward County CAS and so did my Aunt once she became a Foster Parent. The picture below shows my Aunt with her arm around me and Sue Law on the other side of her when we were all on Board of Managers at St. Andrew's together.

After receiving the new interim Minister, Karen Hincke, my health began to fail and I began to experience a significant amount of new stressors in my life. I eventually resigned from all of my duties at the church by 2006. Below is a card from Rev. Karen Hincke that she gave to me when my duties ceased at the church. Obviously, Karen and I were friends and I enjoyed a great working relationship with her just as I did with Reverend Robert C. Jones before and during his retirement.

Around the time that I was resigning from my duties at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church I had been nominated by the Session at the Church and then further formally invited by the Interim Moderator, Zander Dunn, to join the search committee that would come to hire a new, permanent Minister for St. Andrew's.

So that was that. I was still a regular member at St. Andrew's, I simply was in no official capacity when the new Minister would arrive. The new Minister, Lynne Donovan, was said by others to be committed to social justice issues. Well, "how fantastic" I thought. I was in receipt of news that children were being sexually assaulted in local foster homes and I had been having difficulty in getting my community to hear my message. The arrival of a social justice orientated Minister seemed as though I had found a solution in getting help for the children in my community. I would come to learn how very wrong I was in my assertions about Lynne's willingness to help me 'blow the whistle' to help abused children out of their situations. Below is the Reverend Lynne Donovan (Front, center, black/brown jacket) at her induction into St. Andrew's.

Above - Source

So, it wasn't long at all and Lynne Donovan got busy in her community. She started making partnerships with local service providers, such as the CAS and she brought the program called "REACHING FOR RAINBOWS" to life. The program is for girls aged 6-9 and is a 'play-based' after school program that is licensed by the Ministry of Education. I applaud the volunteers whose only aim is to help young children to have a better start in life, however, I propose that we offer the same services to the young men of our community. There is no purpose to be served, in my opinion, to reaching out to girls only. I believe an imbalance is created whenever a society aims to focus their initiatives towards one particular gender. It's simply not fair and I feel that it generates a feeling of unworthiness and failure among the young men of this community. I feel that boys deserve the very same opportunities as girls. I do not believe that the Ministry of Education nor the Presbyterian Church in Canada should be promoting this sort of gender bias activity, regardless of it's purported good intentions. What's fair is fair and I believe the program either needs to cease in its operations or to effectively implement the same type of programming for young men for the sake of sexual equality and equal opportunity in life!

Above - Source

Well into 2005 I was continuing my efforts to expose systemic child abuse while advocating for others caught up in the system. I came to learn about the foster care sexual assault because my paternal aunt was fostering the child when she disclosed to me that she had been sexually assaulted just prior to coming into the 'care' of my aunt. Below is one of the many messages the young lady left for me on Facebook

Not long after the child made her disclosure to us she was taken out of my aunt's 'care' and all contact with me became severed. I continued to seek justice for this child and I began to endure systemic oppression like never before. My aunt actually hosted a surprise 'intervention' for me at her house. When I arrived Lynne Donovan was there and so was my cousin, also a Presbyterian Minister. I was told to leave my husband and to stop my advocacy or else I would be reported to the CAS for child protection concerns that they had most recently developed. I told them they did not understand my life and that they were wrong in their assumptions about child protection concerns. I couldn't see that I was totally being set up. It seemed to impossible to imagine that my aunt would actually go against me the way she did. I hardly knew Lynne Donovan so I was perplexed and upset but firm in my position that I would not cease standing up for the truth. Lynne Donovan and my aunt were/are 'professionals'. They were obligated, 'morally' and legally to report their concerns to the CAS and they most certainly should not have been hosting private interventions to give me ultimatums!

My husband and I were no longer together by mid 2008. By 2009 several allegations about me were made to the CAS and I was forced into family court by early 2010. CAS would relentlessly abuse my kids and put me under unimaginable stress while employing local service providers to join in the campaign against me. The staff at my children's school began to make reports about us (my aunt provided childcare to many teachers at Pinecrest School).. Children's Mental Health was being useless and failing to protect my kids, specifically Sharon Sibthorpe who is now retired. It was a bloody nightmare that requires a whole other chapter (which I am working on). Long story short --- I needed support. Because of all of the stress I was under along with the animosity that I was feeling for Lynne Donovan I had been refraining from attending church regularly. I decided to return to church for regular worship and to have the support of my church family that I so desperately missed. Lynne Donovan welcomed me and the kids back with open arms.... at first.

John and Linda Whiteford 'show up' in my life sometime around 2010 and became 'supports' for my children. They made my kids feel loved and special. They are members of the 'circle of friends' at St. Andrew's Church. They offered all kinds of help and support for me. It was almost too good to be true. My kids had been losing out so much because of the poverty we had been forced into and John and Linda took my kids out to do fun things and treated them like family and gave them the things that I couldn't. When I felt that the 'help' was being given with strings attached I started to become hesitant. It felt as though Linda was dangling carrots in front of my face to garner some sort of cooperation from me. When I was invited over to John and Linda's home I became suspicious to see framed pictures of Lynne Donovan's kids in their home. Linda and I had spoken often and she never indicated that her and Lynne were that close. I kept my eyes open from there on. 

As time went on, I kept expecting that Linda Whiteford would stand up to the CAS when she sat in on meetings between them and the kids were I agreed that she should be their support person. After so long nothing was changing and I found it odd that Linda was just sitting back and letting CAS do as they wished. She didn't have the backbone I thought she would when she saw first hand that my children were being abused by CAS. As time was passing throughout 2011 I was attempting to get Lynne Donovan to be my support person with the CAS. It seemed that Lynne began to avoid me like the Plague knowing that I was between a rock and a hard place. CAS was trying to take my kids from me as a way to stall me from exposing systemic child abuse. I was being arrested and harassed by police. I had lost most of my supports. Even my own family didn't know what to believe anymore due to the multitudes of false allegations about me in the community.

 I was also forced to ask for financial assistance because of dire situation and this is when Lynne's email about financial assistance triggered me into knowing without a doubt that she was not well intended with the help she was offering and yet blaming me for requesting. Still, I was being so naive and I couldn't see that Lynne was being purposely malicious. It was so hard to fathom. There was such a campaign to discredit me me in this small town while I tried to expose systemic child abuse that I thought Lynne was simply getting caught up in the gossip and making incorrect assumptions about me. I was sure, for a time, that I could make her see it my way. But no. I never would.

and then....

My kids were very sick at this point. My daughter spent the week before Christmas in Kingston General Hospital. I had next to no supports and the Lynne just didn't seem to be getting it. She didn't seem to be getting a lot as far as I was concerned at this point in time. My kid was nearly dying but Lynne was able to be generous.

One day Sunday in February 2012 Lynne and I finally had a discussion about the issues at hand. I thought the conversation went fairly well and that we had reached a new understanding. Lynne had even agreed to be my support person...finally. Then, the night before my CAS appointment, she sent me an email to drop the bomb and then I replied to her outrageous statements and accusation! This was the last straw!

No reply from Reverend 'Social Justice'!


I told Linda Whiteford that I was going to respond to my concerns about Lynne Donovan through the Presbytery and that I intended to submit the questionnaire. Linda point blank told me that if I chose to take that route that she would be removing her supports from my children. John and Linda had been taking my daughter to the orthodontist and had made a plan with us that they would cover the expenses. John was driving my son to school everyday and picking him up to bring him home at night. John said he loved to do it and that he enjoyed the time he got to spent with my son while doing it. At least once a week my kids were with John and Linda either out to dinner or at their home for games or whatnot. The only solid foundation that my kids really had in their life was John and Linda and my kids loved them. But my kids would come to pay yet another hefty price for the actions of their Mother.

There was an upcoming Presbytery review at the church on April 18 2012. The Session had invited me, and the rest of the congregation, to fill out a questionnaire specifically to be addressed by the Presbytery at the upcoming meeting. And so I did. I submitted it to Lynne Donovan via email on April 17, 2012. That would be the last time that I would speak to Lynne Donovan until December 7 2014 when she would come to actually kick me out of the church.

So then I went to the Presbytery Meeting on April 18 2012. I was kicked out of the meeting by Susan Law and Linda Whiteford. Presbytery put the meeting on hold and met with privately upstairs in the church. Irene camp joined me as a support person. I shared my concerns with Rev. Dr. Morley Mitchell and Trish Hupe. They entertained my concerns, concluded with a prayer and then told me that someone would be in touch with me to mediate the issues raised. I filmed Irene on December 7 2014 whereby I recorded her and I discussing the private meeting with Presbytery back in 2012. Irene and I begin our conversation around 4:00 in the video.

I never heard another back from the Presbytery or from anyone at the church. I had been effectively alienated, though not knowing yet that I had been set up for criminal charges by Lynne Donovan, the Session at St. Andrew's and the Presbytery visitor Morley Mitchell. Trish Hupe, the Clerk of Session from Stirling St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, joined Morley Mitchell on April 18 when they visited St. Andrew's Picton, however, I'm unclear at present of where she stands in all of this.

As promised, Linda Whiteford removed her supports from my kids. When I demanded accountability for my children's sake Linda got up and left my apartment. John Whiteford stayed behind to hear me and the kids out. Have a listen:

I did not talk to Lynne Donovan or return to St. Andrew's Picton until over 2 years later when I saw an advertisement in the local newspaper in regards to an upcoming event at St. Andrew's on December 7, 2014.

So here was an event being hosted at St. Andrew's which, in my opinion, seemed to be a feminist event in nature. The judge who violated my children and presided over my corrupted family court case, Elaine Deluzio, was going to be a guest speaker. This was all in conjunction with 'Alternatives for Women' and it all seemed really fishy to me. So I decided to go.

Due to the effects of long-term systemic oppression my life it a nightmare. Literally. As such, I mixed the dates up for the event that I was planning to attend. I had originally read the advertisement and for whatever reason I simply assumed that the event would be part of the Sunday service. I therefore missed the event on Saturday, December 6 2012 and I attended the church on Sunday, December 7 2012. I asked Lynne Donovan about the 'feminist event' and she said that I had missed it and that today was only church. I did not plan on leaving the church at that point as I had planned to take part in the worship service. I was still religious back then and I had not been back to 'my' church in so long that I was anticipating some nostalgia while I worshipped with my former church family. Then the sweet Reverent told me that I had perhaps made it out to the wrong event and further said that she would my coat for me. Lynne handed me my coat and said 'ok' and figured that I was leaving. Lynne went back into the sanctuary. At that point a gentleman in the narthex spoke to me and we engaged in conversation. Lynne Donovan saw me engaged in conversation and stormed back out of the sanctuary and told me to the leave the church. Below is the video of the benevolent Reverend Donovan at her finest. I doubt anyone would believe what they will hear unless they hear it for themselves, and so I invite you to have a listen.

As I have endured the same old systemic oppression for so long now it becomes quite easy to know what others will say in attempts to discredit you. I had good reason to believe that my appearance and stability would be called into question if I there were any issues upon me attending the church. As a precaution I had my kids take a picture of me just as my ride was picking me up to take me to the church. Below is the image of me on the morning of December 7 2014.

The time stamp on the photo says 10:55, however it was really 9:55AM on 12/07/14. Also note the condition of the wall behind me. This is what I have been reduced to. My whole house is in need of repair and instead of any assistance whatsoever I simply keep getting slammed by my community.

So What is one to do? After being kicked out of the church I didn't do anything about it. I was simply too beat down, sick and exhausted. It seemed that anyone who could help me either didn't understand my situation because of the multitude of complexities or they simply didn't believe me. Sometimes it's easier to believe a person is mentally ill or suffering from addictions. For the record I am of sound mind and I do not use drugs or alcohol. It seemed I was always being shamed for my past, which wasn't that bad to begin with. So what? I partied and was promiscuous by times. There wasn't anything that I was doing in the light that the elite scumbags in this town aren't doing in the dark. I learned from my past and it has no bearing on what I know or who I am. Besides, when a person is making poor choices in life it's usually because they are in a dark place. Who in this town offered to help me when I was in that dark place. Very, very few! I helped myself and I am accountable for me and I embrace my past for it is has made me wise. I didn't have to go to Ireland, be initiated into some secret club or build a labyrinth to find my heaven. Glorious agony set me free! I rose from my own ashes and am not even close to being the person that my community formally knew me to be. Through all of the pain and suffering that I've been FORCED to endure I saw the light and I will work in that light forevermore! When you get kicked out of your 'Christian' community for trying to protect children from heinous crimes, it tends to send one into a spiritual crisis and what a spiritual crisis it was for me. I re-emerged as a spiritual being knowing the EVILS of RELIGION

So, at any rate, throughout the year of 2015 I would occasionally hear that Lynne Donovan was actively slandering me in the community. The woman does not stop! So I decide to file a human rights complaint against her.

I submitted my application to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario whereby I named Lynne Donovan as a Respondent in my complaint. I claimed that I had been discriminated against because of my Creed. Creed is a complex topic. At any rate, I verily believe that my creed differs from that of Lynne Donovan's and that is why she kicked me out of the church. It seems that I believe differently than Lynne and I was forbidden equal access to services and facilities while having my fundamental right to practice religion arbitrarily obliterated by Lynne Donovan.

I have no confidence in the HRTO. I simply needed to get my matters regarding Lynne Donovan into a public record. I applied for $10,000.00 in my claim, however, the money means nothing to me. NOTHING! I am prepared to withdraw my claim at any time! I will not be controlled in this matter and Lynne can stick her dirty money right up her arse. I was loathe to use any government services, such at the HRTO, to deal with my matters, however, the issues are so ongoing, becoming more dangerous for me and I have few supports to help me along. I needed to get the matter into a public forum where other people know what's going on and can finally make sense of my matters regarding Lynne Donovan. In my Application, I stated a very basic case, leaving the Respondent free to lay out the details of her own versions of events to which I would reply.

Essentially, Lynne Donovan lied through her teeth in her response. I find this odd because she knows that I have the truth on audio recordings and other evidence. So I'm led to believe, now, because of this, that perhaps Lynne feels as though she will be protected throughout the HRTO process and that the evidence won't matter if she can do a good enough job at railroading me, which it appears, she has been doing since at least 2012. The crap Lynne Donovan said to the HRTO about me is mind blowing, untrue and malicious.

It boils down to this:
Presbytery wrote a report about me after I met with them on April 18 2012 that did not reflect the private meeting that I had with Presbytery but rather it went on to say that I was 'critical', 'angry', and 'disturbed'. Morley Mitchell also went on to say "We wondered based on our experience, whether or not Rev. Lynne Donovan should make the police aware of this person's threatening conduct so that there is an official record of the situation with the authorities." Trish Hupe, the Stirling Clerk of Session joined Morley Mitchell at the meeting and evidently lied to me when she hugged me and promised me that everything would get sorted by working together.


Above - Source

So then....

The Session of St. Andrew's gets together on May 8th 2012, less than one month after the Presbytery meeting and recorded this in their meeting minutes:
"Letter to Rev. Lynne Donovan from Brenda Everall. There was a discussion re this letter and it was decided that we would consult a police officer as to the best way to proceed."


So then....


Nothing at all until I decide to go to a public service at the church that I had dedicated most of my life to. I got kicked out for no reason. That was on December 7 2014. What can we guess happened? Right! Session had another meeting on December 11, 2014, just days after Lynne gave me the boot. This time they said: "Discussion Re: Security. Rev. Lynne will report some incidents that occurred some time ago and session agree that they should be on record with the police as one was a threat. The person in question was Brenda Everall who was at one time a member of St. Andrew's Picton."


Also submitted as evidence by Lynne Donovan was my biography as a social justice advocate that she states 'indicates the Applicant's history."

How is that evidence? I think it's more of a signal to the HRTO to tell them what 'sort' of person they're dealing with from the Respondent's perspective. Also there was a profound focus in Lynne's Response that highlighted that I am a child protection advocate. It seemed that it was very important for Lynne to overstate this in her Response. Lynne said she didn't kick me out of the church because she discriminated against me. She alleged that: "The Respondent admits that on or about December 7, 2015 (should say 2014) the Applicant attended St. Andrew's during a Sunday morning worship service. The Respondent states that the Applicant appeared to be very emotionally fragile and volatile causing the Respondent to become concerned about her safety, as well as the safety of others in the congregation. The Respondent politely asked the Applicant to leave and the Applicant responded with hostility. The Applicant refused to leave, came into worship and eventually left at some point during the service.

She also stated: "The Applicant alleges that she has been "systematically oppressed" in her small community due to the fact that she is a "child protection advocate". The Respondent denies such allegation and expressly denies that this is a ground of discrimination under the code."

"The Respondent submits that the Application should be dismissed in its entirety as there is no reasonable prospect that the application will succeed."


I ALSO HAD TO RESPOND TO A REQUEST FOR A SUMMARY HEARING AS THE RESPONDENT HAS TRIED TO HAVE THE CASE THROWN OUT IN THE PRELIMINARY STAGES. I THEN REQUESTED TO AMEND MY APPLICATION DUE TO A TECHNICAL ERROR. I THEN FILED  A REQUEST FOR AN ORDER FOR THE RESPONDENT TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS SUCH AS: Police Reports. There were no police reports against me submitted as evidence. Formal Reports/Incidence Reports. Were formal procedures and policies adhered to when dealing with the allegations against me by the Minister, the Session and that fuckwad Morley Mitchell? Not sure. They weren't submitted either. I also asked that the HRTO order a demand for the alleged letter that Session was going on about. The letter was not submitted as evidence either. Weird eh? The only evidence submitted was that which showed the Minister colluding with her minions whenever I 'stepped out of line'.

Lynne Donovan's Lawyer is Alexa Mayeski. I feel that Ms. Mayeski has crossed professional boundaries and I shall complain about such accordingly. I have all rights to contact the session at my church and here she is below in an Email where she seems to be attempting to bar me from what I believe  have all rights to access. Ms. Mayeski seems to be attempting to oppress me and I recommend that she govern herself accordingly in this regard. The church had no right to forward my email to Ms. Mayeski and Ms. Mayeski had absolutely no right to intervene in the matter as far as I'm concerned. I had emailed my church office to request access to records that were potentially in the possession of the Session and I was sure to state that the email was private and confidential and yet it was forwarded to the Ministers personal lawyer, in what I perceive to be an obvious attempt to stifle me once more!

Lynne Donovan continues to LIE in her responses to the HRTO. I believe that criminal charges are in order at this point as a criminal conspiracy against me has been revealed, in my opinion, through the HRTO process. I allege that those conspiring against me have formed a criminal organisation whereby they seek to destroy my reputation and where they further appear to be setting me up for false criminal charges by colluding with other community professionals.

I have written a document titled Collusion in the County: Exhibit 'A' and have released it to tell the basic overview of my past and how I find myself in the situation that I am currently in. This document will be sent to various people and/or organisations that may be of assistance to me while I strive for accountability in my very serious matters. I am writing another document titled "The Malevolence of Benevolence: Exhibit 'B'" that will detail my experiences with systemic oppression as I move forward in seeking accountability from those who continue to alienate and persecute me and my belief system! I feel that I am being persecuted for my creed and that I am being harassed for my belief system that mandates my advocacy efforts to protect society's vulnerable people, especially the children, while standing in the light of the truth. Lynne Donovan and I hold different creeds in my opinion and I feel that this is a major reason that I am being persecuted by my church.

I've really had enough of these people bullying me into silence. The truth will be told...even if it kills me!

Supporting Documents are stored on link to my OneDrive account and supporting audio/video on my YouTube account.




The Reaching for Rainbows program that was Lynne Donovan's 'brainchild' was implemented at the cost of my family's quality of life. Still...I feel there is much more at stake than the R4R program that drives Lynne to be so maliciously cruel to me. I believe there are many secrets that people in this town will do anything to keep. Guess what? I don't care. The gloves are off (so to speak...heaven forbid I sound 'threatening'. The Reverend might become concerned for her safety...hahaha) and I won't stand down from the truth now or ever. Hear that? That's me singing like a bird. Chirp Chirp ;)


I'll be posting more in the days to come.



I post some things below for further speculation.

Above - Source

Above - Source

Above - Source (Interesting Article)

Article about Lynne Donovan:
Above - Source

Above - Source

More Silence? I quite disagree! Interesting story you told there Lynne! Above - Source

Below - A screenshot of a post I made in 2014 regarding Residential Schools and the Presbyterian Church 

REACHING FOR RAINBOWS VIDEO - Featuring Lynne Donovan and Linda Whiteford.
Above - Source

So these girls are in the program at St. Andrew's are 'REACHING for RAINBOWS'...

Below - Image of the International Order of the Rainbow

Below - Email from Lynne Donovan

Below - Information about the Rainbows Program

Below - Rainbows Pamphlet

Above - Source



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